Olori Oko Lyrics by Infinity

Hmm I have seen the future
Though I am not a prophet, hmm ah [eh]
In the book of Revelations
There is warning for the nations
He that has an ear, let him hear
What the spirit is saying [Ei]

Aisi n le olongbo
Loun mu eku sako
Yiyo tekun n yo
Ki ma e se tojo
Agba ki wa loja kori omo tutun wo
Fitila yi to tan
Imole wole wa
Imole ti de [Ei]

CHORUS (x4):
Olorioko shi n bo wa
On bo wa
On bo wa ye

VERSE 2:Afopinna
To loun o pa fitila
Ara re ni o pa
Se bi aaro to ba gbon, ei
L’ogun aso tele ipa, aye egbo [iye]
Afoju di omo eniyan
Olohun Oba
Iku lon mu dani
Iye iye




Aye ile, aye ile
Edumare baba
Edumare baba
Emura emura
Emura emura

Olorioko nbo o
Jagunmolu nbo o
Papa nla ti njo tohun tohun
Efufu tin mile titi
e eh
Olorioko nbo o, emura
Oba a sa ya
Oba idigbolu
eni o digbolu o asi mu wo mu womu

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  • infinity olori oko lyrics
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  • Olori oko lyrics by infinity
  • Olori oko lyrics in english
  • Olorioko lericy

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