Hi Hanya Mahala (We are Living For Free) Lyrics by Mercy Ndlovu (Joyous Celebration 16)

Verse 1:
(Solo:) Ka Jeso wamahala na waku xava ulava wini?
(Between a Jesus you can buy and one that’s free which do you want?)
(All:) Ndzi lava mahala (I want the free one)
(Solo:) Ai angana yini? (What does He have?)
(All:) Angana vutomi, bya kuhanya na kuhanyisa, alokose
(He has life, life to live and to heal)

Verse 2:
Jeso wa mafohloza, Iyo Aaah (Jesus cannot be defeated)
Hayi i Jeso wa mafohloza Iyo Aaah (Yes, Jesus cannot be defeated)

Verse 3:
Hina hi hanya mahala ka Jesu (we are living for free through Jesus)
Hi hanya mahala, Hi hanya mahala
(We are living for free, We are living for free)
Endzeni ka evangeli leyi (Inside this evangelism)

Verse 4:
Loko sathani a ku karata (when Satan troubles you)
Hita khinsama hansi hi khongela (kneel and pray and you will conquer)
Hi tahlula mahala (we shall win for free)
Endzeni ka evangeli leyi. (Inside this evangelism)

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Verse 5: (solo)
Loko miringo yiku karhata (When trials are overwhelming)
Unga heli matimba (Do not be weary)
Khisama hansi u khongela (Get down on your knees and pray)
Hikuva yena utaku hlulela (Because He will come through for you)
Hambi switika swivava (No matter how difficult your situation)
Unga heli matimba (He can save you)
Hikuva yena yena ntsena utaku hlulela (Because he alone can save)
Abyi xaviwi vutomi ka Jeso (We do not buy life in Christ)
Hi hanya mahala endzeni ka ivangeli leyi (We live for free inside this evangelism)

Hi tahlula mahala (we shall win for free)
Endzeni ka evangeli leyi. (Inside this evangelism)
Hi tahlula mahala (we shall win for free)
Endzeni ka evangeli leyi. (Inside this evangelism)



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