Unabantu Bakho by Lusanda Spiritual Group Hymn Lyrics and Video

SONG TITLE: Unabantu Bakho (You Are With Your People)

AUTHOR: Lusanda Spiritual Group

LANGUAGE: Xhosa (with English translation)

Unabantu Bakho Hymn Full Lyrics

Unabantu Bakho Hymn Full Lyrics

Unabantu baKho, Thixo (You are with Your people, God)
Ngamaxesha onke (At every moment)
Ubagcina, ubancede (You keep them, You help them)
Eendaweni zonke (Through every situation)

Ubagcina, ubancede (You keep them, You help them)
Eendaweni zonke (Through every situation) (Repeat)

Bakuwela imilambo (When they cross rivers)
Uba nabo Wena (You are with them)
Bakuthiswa ngemililo (When they are tested by fires)
Uba nabo Wena (You are with them)

Bakuthiswa ngemililo (When they are tested by fires)
Uba nabo Wena (You are with them) (Repeat)

Apho batshutshiwa khona (When they are persecuted)
Bomelezwa nguWe (They’ll be strengthen through You)
Nasemaгђamncweni, Thixo (When in danger, Lord)
Bagciniwe nguWe (Even then, You’ve kept them)

Nasemaгђamncweni, Thixo (When in danger, Lord)
Bagciniwe nguWe (Even then, You’ve kept them) (Repeat)

Bakhangela kuWe, nKosi (They look to you, Lord)
Aabo bantu baKho (These are Your people)
Babulela, bakuthembe (They give You thanks, they trust in You)
Aabo bantu baKho(These are Your people)

Babulela, bakuthembe (They give You thanks, they trust in You)
Aabo bantu baKho (These are Your people) (Repeat)

The Video

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