Do To Me What You Want by Dunsin Oyekan Full Lyrics and Video

SONG TITLE: Do To Me What You Want

AUTHOR: Dunsin Oyekan


Do To Me What You Want by Dunsin Oyekan Full Lyrics

Do To Me What You Want by Dunsin Oyekan

Here I am in Your Presence
Do to me what You want
I’m open before You, Lord
Do to me what You want (Repeat)

This is the place of encounter
This is the place of surrender
This is the place where my flesh give way
This is the place where my life is changed
Do to me what You want

(From the Top)

Repeat: I’m open!

This is the place of Revival
This is the place of renewal
This is the place where my flesh gives way; where I lay aside every weight
This is the place where Simon becomes Peter; where Abram becomes Abraham
Where God talked to Israel
Where Saul becomes Paul
This is the place: at the feet of my Jesus
Is the place of Power; is the place of exchange
I exchange my weakness for His strength; my sorrows for His joy; my pain for His gain
I will never go back the same way x2

ALSO SEE  Your Goodness by Dunsin Oyekan full lyrics and video

Repeat: I won’t remain the same!

Do to me what You want
You are the potter I am the clay
Do to me what You want
You hold my life in Your Hands
Do to me what You want


The Video

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