He’s never late,

He’s not a late God


He’s never failed anyone I know,

He is always on time,

He’s never late,

He’s not a late God.

Remember Moses
and the Israelites,

Trapped between Pharaoh and the red sea,

But right there in their trouble, God gave a Word,

He was right there on time, To deliver them.

Remember Meshach, Shedrach and

Pushed into the fire because of their God,

But right there in the fire,

A fourth man appeared,

He was right there on time,

To deliver them.

Never late,

God is never late,

Never late,

Always on time.

NgLyrics Editor

NgLyrics Editor is the chief among the editorial team of New-age Gospel Lyrics. Our team is made up of dedicated believers around the world whose sole interest is promoting the gospel via songs, worship, messages and praise. You can join our team of contributors by sending us a contact request