Imela Lyrics by Solomon Lange

Song Tittle: Imelaa

Artist: Solomon Lange


Verse 1:

There is a new song in my heart today
A song of praise in my mouth today
You’ve added another day unto my days
You’ve added another year unto my years
You picked me from the miry clay
You set me up on the rock to stay
You turned my life around
You put a new song in my mouth

Hallelujah Hosanna E ya
Hallelujah Hosanna E ya


Jehovah we give you all the glory eh
Imela eh, Imela eh
Messiah we give You all the glory eh
Imela eh, Imela eh
Jehovah we give You all the glory
Imelaa eh
Imelaa eh
Messiah we give you adoration eh
Imela eh, Imela eh

Verse 2:

Jehovah Jireh You’ve been faithful through the years
You’re my el-Shaddai
You supply all my needs
My glory and the Lifter up of my head
My shield and the my exceedingly great reward
You turn my morning into dancing
You turned my sorrow into joy
You turned my darkness into light
You put a new song in my mouth

ALSO SEE  Ekele by Blezzings Complete Lyrics

Hallelujah Hosanna E ya
Hallelujah Hosanna E ya

Jehovah we give you all the glory eh
Imela eh, Imela eh
Messiah we give You all the glory eh
Imela eh, Imela eh
Jehovah we give You all the glory
Imela eh
Imela eh
Messiah we give you adoration eh
Imela eh, Imela eh

Hallelujah Hosanna
Hallelujah Hosanna
Hallelujah Hosanna eh ya

Hallelujah Hosanna E ya
Hallelujah Hosanna E ya


Jehovah we give you all the glory eh
Imela eh, Imela eh
Messiah we give You all the glory eh
Imela eh, Imela eh
Jehovah we give You all the glory
Imela eh
Imela eh
Messiah we give you adoration eh
Imela eh, Imela eh
Till fade…

The Video

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  • imela by solomon lange lyrics
  • there is a new song by solomon lange lyrics

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