I overcame by Ada complete lyrics

Song Title: I Overcame

Artist: Ada Ehi



I overcame …. Hallelujah
He won the Victory …. Hallelujah
He said it’s finished and oh ohhhhhhh

My Story is written and oh ohhhhhhh
I Overcame …. Hallelujah
I Overcame …. Hallelujah
Hallelujah He’s alive
And because He lives I live
Hallelujah Jesus Lives
And my future is alive in Him
I overcame …. Hallelujah
He won the Victory …. Hallelujah
He said it’s finished and oh ohhhhhhh
My Story is written and oh ohhhhhhh
I Overcame …. Hallelujah
I Overcame …. Hallelujah

Say to the mountain, I overcame
Say to the problem, you came too late
Tell that sickness, I already won
Declaring boldly, I’m born of God
He said it’s finished and oh ohhhhhhh
My story’s written and oh ohhhhhhh
I Overcame …. Hallelujah
I Overcame …. Hallelujah
Hallelujah! He’s alive
And because He lives I live
Hallelujah! He’s alive
And because He lives I live
Hallelujah! Jesus Lives
And because He lives I live
He said it’s finished and oh ohhhhhhh
My Story’s written and oh ohhhhhhh
He said it’s finished and oh ohhhhhhh
My Story’s written and oh ohhhhhhh
I overcame …. Hallelujah
I overcame … Hallelujah
I overcame … Hallelujah
I overcame … Hallelujah
It is Finished!

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The Video

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Samuel Odamah

God First, Tech second, Freelancing third.... in this order, my entire being is summed up.