Beautiful Lyrics by Frank Edwards

Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning. 
This is the morning of life you’re beautiful ‘cos in His time he made all things beautiful.
When the bird starts to sing,
When the wind starts to blow,
When the trees start to wave,
When the sun start to shine,
When the rain starts to fall,
When the snow starts to fall,
When the stars start to shine
It’s all because, because of you
Put a smile on your face hope you know.

You’re so beautiful
It doesn’t matter who you are, Hope you know that
you’re so beautiful
When the rain starts to fall
When the stars start falling down
When the stars start to shine
It’s all because, because of you
Put a smile on your face hope you know
You’re so beautiful
It doesn’t matter who you are. Hope you know you’re just so beautiful!
So you know the thing is you have to always see yourself as
beautiful, it doesn’t matter how things look now,
You’re still beautiful
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  • do you really know how beautiful you are lyrics
  • do you really know how beautiful you are by frank edwards
  • do you really know how beautiful you are by frank edwards lyrics
  • frank edwards beautiful lyrics
  • frank edwards do you really know how beautiful you are
  • lyrics of you are beautiful by frank edwards

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