Another Miracle – Iyke Onwuka Complete Lyrics

Stanza 1:
There was a blind man in Jericho
So blind he couldn’t see
Sitting him by the road side
Begging, please give me some money
One day he heard the sound of the multitude
And he told that Jesus Christ of Nazareth was passing by
He cried and say
Jesus Jesus Son of David
Have mercy mercy on me
He wouldn’t hold his peace
So Jesus said, what you want me to do for you?
Master Master my eyes
I wanna receive my sight
Jesus said, receive your sight
Your faith has made thee whole

Is a Miracle
Talk to me
Another Miracle
Talk to me
Talk to me

Stanza 2:
Mary and Martha lost there Brother Lazarus
He was gone,
Four days in the grave
He was dead, very dead
When Jesus showed up
He commanded, rolled out the stones away
Martha feared and said
Hey Master by now he will be stinking
Martha Martha didn’t you hear Me
When I told ya
If only you will believe
You will see the Glory of God
Then Jesus cried with a loud voice
And say
Lazarus come forth
And he who was dead
Walking out at the grave

Talk to me
Is a Miracle
Talk to me
Another Miracle
Lazarus walking out at the grave
Is a Miracle
Yeah, talk to me
Another Miracle
Talk to me
Talk to me
Talk… to me
Another Miracle

Stanza 3:
There was a woman
She had an issue of blood
Twelve years of pain
Doctors gave up on her
She spent all the money she had
She lived in desperation
One day she heard Jesus was passing by
This is what she said
If only i could touch the hem of His Garment
I know i would be made whole
That’s exactly what she did
And she was healed
The same Jesus of Yesterday
He’s still alive today
And He is doing many more Miracles
For all cares to believe

There is a Miracle
Talk to me
Another Miracle
Talk to me
Talk to me
There is a Miracle
Talk to me
Another Miracle
Talk to me
The better Miracle
Is still alive
And if you believe
You will see another Miracle
Talk to me
Jesus is still alive
And He is still
Doing many more Miracles
For all who cares to believe
Oh yeah Miracle
The blind will see again
The daff will hear again
The lame will rise and walk in Jesus Name
Its a Miracle
Talk to me
Another Miracle
Talk to me
Talk to me
Talk to me
Another Miracle

 Another Miracle

NgLyrics Editor

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